Producción de videos en quirófanos y hospitales
Grabamos en quirófanos, laboratories y hospitales
La innovación está a la orden del día en laboratorios, hospitales, quirófanos e institutos de investigación científica. Se necesita, por tanto, un equipo de vídeo profesional para sacar estas historias a la luz, para producir live-streamings desde quirófanos, vídeos promocionales para presentar un producto o una nueva técnica, o para resaltar una tecnología innovadora.
¡Ciencia de vanguardia merece una producción de video de vanguardia!
Aquí es donde entra en juego nuestra experiencia. Con más de 10 años en la industria audiovisual, nuestros equipos de vídeo tienen experiencia en filmar documentales científicos para emisoras de televisión internacionales, videos de cirugías y transmisiones en vivo desde quirófanos, imágenes de laboratorios y entrevistas con expertos, médicos y científicos.
Si están buscando contenido de vídeo de alta calidad, visualmente atractivo y cuidando al máximo los más mínimos detalles, están en el lugar correcto.
Ya sea que estén buscando un equipo de cámara bilingüe, familiarizado con los protocolos y las pautas de higiene en los quirófanos; o necesite una productora de vídeos para mostrar su producto, su técnica o su instituto del sector sanitario, Llámenos y hablemos de sus necesidades.
Estamos muy satisfechos de haber realizado en los últimos 10 años proyectos para clientes, laboratorios e instituciones como: Accenture, Alter Technologies Sevilla, Bayer-Healthcare, Behringer-Ingelheim, CSIC Madrid, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Sandoz, por nombrar algunos.
Debido a la amplia gama de proyectos, hemos trabajado en los hospitales más prestigiosos de España: Hospital Clinic (Barcelona), Hospital Universitario Bellvitge (Barcelona), Hospital Universitario La Fe (Valencia), Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet (Zaragoza), Hospital Virgen Blanca (Bilbao), Hospital Universitario (Pamplona) Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebrón (Barcelona), y muchos más.
We really like what we do – and so do our clients!
¡No se fíe sólo de nuestra palabra!
Eche un vistazo a algunos de los otros proyectos en los que hemos trabajado y vea lo que dicen los clientes que ya han trabajado con nosotros:
Video production for Euroanaesthesia TV in Barcelonas University Hospital «Vall d’Hebron».
Our lighting camera crew in Barcelona (Bilingual interview producer and cameraman) filmed different divisions and operation theatres during surgical procedures and conducting interviews with different physicians and at «Vall d’Hebron» hospital in Barcelona, Spain.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million... Just check it out yourself and click the video play button next to this text
Bilingual video crew in Madrid for Discovery Channel science documentary about telomere measurement.
English Television-Producer and lighting camera crew in Madrid. For a science documentary our video crew was filming at different laboratories and clinical facilities, conducting interviews with different experts to show the current state of innovative telomere measurement technologies and its use in preventive medicine.
Client feedback
Multi-Camera Live Streaming from Teknon Hospital in Barcelona, Spain to medical congress in Prague, Czech Republic.
Multi-camera live transmission / surgery broadcast from an operating theater in Barcelona’s Teknon hospital to the “Network of Anaesthesia” Congress in Prague including live Q&A session afterwards. Popular Pictures provided: bilingual multi-camera-crew, vision mixer, sound engineer, complete live-streaming and camera equipment as well as complete preproduction, technical setup and rehearsals for multi-camera live transmission in compliance with all sterility regulations in operation theaters.
Client feedback
Thank you Matthias,
Thank you for your efforts yesterday, our client is happy with the process
Talk to you soon!BKC
Live-streaming webcast production from Bellvitge Hospital in Barcelona to the Webinar of Alliance of ALS/MND Associations
Live streaming camera crew in Barcelona for complete preproduction (location check, internet speed check, technical setup & rehearsals) and Webcast production / filming and live-streaming of Dr. Povedano from Bellvitge University Hospital in Barcelona to the Webinar of International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations.
Client feedback
Great Matthias and Monica. Wonderful presentation with quality audio and video. Well done! Great clear picture Matthias. Thanks!
M. Joseland, Producer
Bilingual camera crew and On-Site Producer in Zaragoza for a Pfizer and uicc patient awareness video production
Our lighting camera crew filmed in Zaragoza for Pfizer and uicc an educational documentary treating breast cancer. Our bilingual video crew, make up artist and producer filmed during several days home stories with a breast cancer diagnosed patient.
Client feedback
Lighting Camera Crew for Sandoz video productions in Spain.
Our bilingual Video Crew realised for Sandoz Germany in Madrid and Barcelona different conference videos and covered Live Events including complete post production as well as shooting patient stories in Barcelona.
Client feedback
Popular Pictures and Matthias Popp have been reliable partners for us in various productions in Spain. Both documentary formats about patients in Spain and the accompaniment of a live event in Barcelona were implemented creatively, quickly and innovatively by Mr. Popp and his team. As a global company, it was particularly helpful for us to work with a multilingual team.
Hans W. Friede
Sandoz Deutschland 2020